Weekend Coffee Share 4/15/17

If we were having coffee, you would find me curled up in a cozy sweatshirt staring absentmindedly out the window.  The weather is dreary and wet–perfect for staying indoors.  (Of course… this picture is a wishful fantasy.  In reality, I got up before dawn to go to work.)

I’ve been away from the coffee share for a while again… it’s been a busy month!  Thankfully, things will be setting down a bit soon.

It’s Easter this weekend and I do not feel at all prepared.  Because it’s so late, the holiday really snuck up on me this year.  I feel bad, because Easter is the most important Christian holiday of the year, and I haven’t been paying attention.  My brothers are home for the weekend and my parents are getting home from their road trip at some point.  We all plan on going to church together tomorrow… but that’s the extent of our celebrations.  Continue reading


I’m a model student and get straight A’s, but at least once a semester, I blow everything off and take a long weekend.  (Four day Easter weekend?  I think, yes.)

I’m an English major, but have absolutely no desire to be a writer, teacher, librarian, or scholar.

I love academia and intellectual life, but I grew up on a farm and know what it’s like to get my hands dirty.

I grew up in a house of boys, but my friends are primarily girls.

My family owns a strawberry patch, but I don’t like strawberries.

I have a deep abiding love for cats, but am extremely apathetic towards animal death.  (Growing up on a farm does that to you.)

I’m a blogger, but lately, have had no drive to blog.  (Sorry about that, guys.)