Senior Sem Eve

Tomorrow is senior sem day.

I’ll put on a fancy outfit, stand in front of my peers, and present the work I’ve spent the entire semester crafting.  It’s been a long haul–weekends in the library, getting more interlibrary loans than I know what to do with, hours tucked away in the cozy corners of campus reading.

It’s all been building up to this moment.  And, tomorrow, it will all be over.  (Well.  Not entirely.  My paper isn’t due until Monday and it still needs polishing.)

For the most part, I feel great.  I’ve been pushing myself hard and the work is definitely paying off.  My points are all gathered, the words are there, all that is left is the delivery.  I am ready.

Despite overall feelings of confidence, last night I kept having weird dreams.  I’d be standing in front of all my professors and classmates, about to begin my presentation, and something would go wrong.  In the first dream, I looked down at my script and found that I had accidentally printed it on transparent overhead sheets.  The words blended together on the see-through background and I couldn’t present.  In the second, I was on a desert island that had something to do with Egypt.  I had to sit through all my classmates’ presentations and then, right when I was about to go, one of my professors got up and decided that it was time to present HIS work.  So I was shoved to the side and forced to find my way home.  Things got weird from there.  I remember standing on the beach trying to find a boat and this little girl came up to me.  She wanted my shoes.  But then, I looked down, and found I was barefoot.  My shoes were also lost.  Then, a random lady came up to me, grabbed me by the arm, and started speaking to me vigorously in Spanish.  I did the best I could with the little of the language I remember from high school, but it kept getting it mixed up with French.  It was strange, to say the least.

It’s amazing how the subconscious latches to big events in our lives, even when we feel prepared for them.

Still.  Today is dedicated to practicing and tomorrow, my senior seminar will be almost over.  I’ll march proudly forth from the Humanities Lounge, get myself a treat from Higbees, and soak in the last classes of my education career.  And it will be WONDERFUL.

P.S. I creeped on one of my classmates in the library this afternoon and learned that they haven’t even started their presentation.  Which makes me feel even more confident!